We learned about the human body and our senses! We tasted things like sugar and coffee in different spots on the tongue to see where they tasted bitter or sweet. We read books about the body and senses and also tried tasting two different beverages while holding our noses! The Magic School Bus Explores the Senses was a favorite!Math
In math we worked through a chapter on geometry. Worked on things like perimeter and area as well as concepts of angels, rays, horizontal and vertical, parallel and intersecting lines.Once we finished up that chapter we moved onto counting money! Chelsea has a hard time switching between the coins but with help from a you tube video and some online practice we made it through and she's starting to get better at it!
The Boxcar Children was finished and we started using some reading activities from Easy Peasy's website.I really like this website because it has Everything all planned out day by day. It's written so children can go to it, find their day and complete the activities individually if they are independent workers.
In our history lessons we continued going through the states and learned about Samuel Morse and Morse Code and even tried it out a bit! We learned about Florida Texas, Michigan, Arkansas and a few other states. We were all surprised to find that we had several things in our home from Kellogg's cereal, Bessel vacuum and a Ford car that ALL originated in Michigan!
Other Fun things
Our home school group had a Valentine's day party! Even though mom messed up the time and we were WAY late we still had fun! The kiddos got to decorate a bag for valentines, have yummy snacks and color some fun Valentine's day pictures before passing out the Valentines' day cards we brought. At home we decorated some yummy heart shaped cookies!
The Big News
We ordered My Father's World Kindergarten basic package along with CUISENAIRE RODS SMALL GROUP 155/PK
and the Cuisenaire Rods Alphabet Book.
Hunter was SO excited when we got it that he wanted to start right away! SO instead of starting this summer like the original plan, we started already! He asks for school first thing in the morning, often even before breakfast! His excitement for learning is contagious and making the girls want to learn as well! It looks like MFW K will be as wonderful as their Adventures program has been this year!
Hunter was SO excited when we got it that he wanted to start right away! SO instead of starting this summer like the original plan, we started already! He asks for school first thing in the morning, often even before breakfast! His excitement for learning is contagious and making the girls want to learn as well! It looks like MFW K will be as wonderful as their Adventures program has been this year!
We are just about finished with the intro section on the Creation story and will be starting our first letter unit on Tuesday on the letter S for Sun. I'm excited to see what my eager little man will learn this month!
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