Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Today is the Day!

Today is the day that I've been excited for over the past few months. We started our regular school work a few years ago. The kids are enjoying it so far but they've been excited for today too.

So, what's today?

Today is our very first day ever of Classical Conversations! We visited last winter and as we went home the kids were all begging to go back again!

Why the switch?
I LOVED our curriculum that we were using before but I felt that my oldest needed something to help her remember things we were learning and also something to get her moving with writing. When a friend mentioned that she was part of Classical Conversations and how much she loved it I was very intrigued.

After our visit and much prayer over where God was leading us for this school year we took the plunge!

What is CC (classical conversations)?
Classical conversations is more than a homeschool co-op. It's a curriculum that covers all the major subject areas. Children in elementary school go to a class where the new memory work is introduced as well as an art project and science experiment. After having lunch together children in fourth through sixth grade attend an English and writing intensive class which uses IEW. It's also a great community of moms coming together to teach our children and encourage each other along the way.

I hope that helps a bit to shed a little light on what this program is and why we chose this path. I'm nervous to be tutoring a class of four year olds but also super excited to get started. Back packs are packed with folders and snacks, my white board has all of our memory work on it, lunches are half way packed and all of the things I need for today are in a bag. All that's left to do is finish lunches and get the kiddos moving! They've been asking for weeks when we would be starting and couldn't wait for today to come.

Have a great day!

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