Thursday, October 31, 2013

31 Days of Encouragement: How can you encourage someone?

We've made it to the end of October! Can you believe it? Each day this month I've shared with you a variety of ways to find encouragement or encourage others. The best place to look for encouragement is God's word but there are other places around us where we can find it as well, church, music, online or family. 

It's my prayer and my challenge to you that you find ways to stay encouraged in your walk with Jesus. Not only that though but find ways you can encourage those around you! 

A compliment can encourage your spouse. Pointing out something your child did well can encourage them to keep trying. A helping hand to a neighbor or friend, a card in the mail just because or a phone call just to chat. There are so many ways that we can encourage one another. The best part? They'll feel great and so will you! The world is a tough place to be in but if we do as 1 Thessalonians 5:11 says we can lift each other up! 

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