Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Choosing Curriculum: 5 Questions to Ask Yourself when Considering a Change

It's the time of year when many of us homeschoolers start planning and buying for the next school year. What do you do when you stumble upon something new, but you're unsure of whether or not to make the switch? This is an issue I've wrestled with this winter. We have loved our current program but at the same time I've found something else that I really like. I have five questions to ask yourself when considering a change in curriculum. If you are doing the back and forth in your head these may help you work through your decision making process and come to a conclusion one way or another.

1. Do I enjoy teaching and do my children enjoy learning from our current program? 
Now, children aren't always going to "enjoy" school but there shouldn't be tears daily over lessons or even daily battles. When we were using workbook based curriculum with Chelsea school was a daily struggle. When we switched to a more hands on approach the atmosphere of our school changed drastically!

2. Is our current curriculum meeting the goals I have for my children?
Each year we have a general idea of the things we'd like our children to accomplish. Some may write them down or you may be like me and just have them in your head. When considering our possible change this year I spent a lot of time contemplating this question.

3. What are the pros and cons of each curriculum choice? 
If you are really feeling undecided this is a good activity to help you along. Write down good things about changing and possible draw backs. Do the pros outweigh the cons?

4. Have you prayed about it?
This really should be number one! Pray about your options. God will tell you which way you should turn. Maybe you really enjoy your current curriculum and are afraid of a change? Pray about it and go where God leads you!

5. What do others have to say?
I often find myself asking homeschool friends about curriculum choices. They don't have the exact same child I do but they can definitely point out some things that I may not know just by looking at a book or a website. you can also checkout reviews on the Homeschool Reviews website.

Have you started planning for the next school year? What changes are you considering/

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