Saturday, October 26, 2013

Blessed by My Children

Ever have one of those days where you're just tired and overwhelmed? I'm sure you have, any mom will admit she's had days where she just felt like it was all too much to handle.That was me yesterday. Three months of not much sleep, trying to keep up on the house, 3 other kids, pets and homeschooling and I just felt "done', tired and very overwhelmed. 

While I was making dinner later in the day my son decides he's going to go clean the bathroom and my oldest wanted to use her Easy Bake oven so she did the dishes in the kitchen. Now it may not have been done as well as adults would have done but the two of them taking the initiative and helping around the house without being asked was so uplifting and encouraging to me! A hug from my little princess and baby snuggles and I'm feeling much better! 

God knew just what I needed today and he used my children to bless me and encourage me when I needed it most. Remember next time you're feeling discouraged to look for little things in life that will make you smile and lift your spirits.

How have your children blessed you lately? 

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