Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Week of Reviews Day 3: "Healing with God's Earthly Gifts"

I had the privilege of reviewing an advance copy of "Healing with God's Earthly Gifts" by Kate Tietje to be released in August. In this ebook Kate lists her ten favorite herbs and what they can be used for. I'm a newbie to all of this natural healing so this was a great resource. After the top ten there is a section for recipes. This includes, teas, detox bathes and even making your own vitamins. 

Kate gives directions on creating a salve, tincture and detox bath which, for someone starting out is very handy because you don't have to go searching elsewhere. You have it all right there in one book. You also have a chart of common symptoms and what can be done to help them 

I love this quote from the book! I know that modern medicine is important when truly needed but I also feel that God has given us all of these wonderful plants for our use. We have the ability to use these plants for their healing qualities instead of putting more and more chemicals into our bodies! "Healing with God's Earthly Gifts: is the perfect tool kit to get any family started with natural healing for everyday ailments. 

This book is set to be released in August. Until then you can find Kate on Modern Alternative Mama for more great information on healthy living! 

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